23 December 2011

walking from a to z

lot of fun. tengok belog comel orang lain. today was better than yesterday. i'm gonna make tomorrow will be better. hmphhh. this late of night, my sister buat bising learning korean language. her pronounce was quite good jugaklahh. maybe, kite bolehh fly to korea sooner or later. if ada duit lahh. poket kosong. habuk pun tiada. camane? dia (adik) dah start nyanyi lagu 2PM yang skrg ni tengah pukul 11:28 PM. yang sorang lagi adik tengah berdengkurrr. kurr kurr :>
yang aku punn  nk kurr kurr jugak. now, i'm really in mood to watch Fynn Jamal. i do lovee her.

*cousin ajak pergi ict. hmpph, we'll see how it goes coz i'm so busy lately. really :)