27 May 2015
The Noks
Kadang kadang aku rasa kami cam agak cool gak ah.
No need to cover ayu and cun macam contoh gelak kat kepci kuat gila,
even for the smallest thing yang orang akan rasa that was no funny man.
Well, kalau cam ajak pergi mana mana. There's no need to think, just go with the flow.
Contohnya Kuantan jom when actually the real plan is you just wanna go to Mesra Mall je.
We like to wear big clothes that make us look like fatty kid who likes to eat mcd everyday.
And we like sport very much, boleh main badminton sampai pat pagi.
And tetiba tidur for the whole day.
Rajin beperangai sepah, tetiba tersadung, tetiba sos tumpah kat tudung, that was basically us.
Karaoke is one of our hobby, jerit kuat kuat for Paramore song. Itu biasa.
Our words differ from others. Our ways pun lain. Kami bukan macam gadis gadis ayu comel lote, we're different. Selekeh, lenjan & sepah.
Well I miss the old days. I really miss us bertiga.